[Building Sakai] Possible 10.3 Blocker

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Fri Nov 28 05:43:05 PST 2014

Hey All,

Matthew J. reported this Wednesday evening and it looks like a potential
blocker against 10.3 .

https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-28121 - Cannot remove or "attach
copy" of attachments to (seemingly) any tool

>From my testing, it appears that the blocker has been introduced in 10.3
and that in 10.2 it is not a problem.

Additional testing to confirm would be welcome. Also, if anybody is
available to fix the bug, that would be great! We are hoping for an RC01
next week and we have a tight timeline overall to get the release out by
December 12. This bug puts our timeline at risk.

Best regards,
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