[Building Sakai] I made a Python RESTful interface to Sakai: SakaiPy

William Karavites willkara at oit.rutgers.edu
Fri Nov 21 18:53:44 PST 2014

Hello everyone, 

As I've recently been teaching myself Python I thought it would be a great idea to try and incorporate Sakai with that. I recently had finished the first iteration of what I call, SakaiPy, the Python RESTful interface to Sakai. 

It's a slow work in progress but I want it to be a fully capable interface to any/all of the RESTful endpoints on Sakai. As of now, it simply returns basic JSON structures but my goal is to have it be a full interface to getting information out of and into Sakai. 

The way I have it set up now, it should be able to be used on any Sakai instance (just follow the instructions). 

I have a blog post here talking about it: http://willkara.com/sakaipy-the-sakai-python-restful-interface/ 

and its GitHub repo is available here if anyone wants to improve it (please do): https://github.com/willkara/SakaiPy 

Please let me know what you think and if there are any improvements to be made! 

-William Karavites 

William Karavites 
Application Programmer 
OIT/OIRT- Rutgers University 
Office: 848-445-8726 
Cell: 732-822-9405 
willkara at rutgers.edu 

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