[Building Sakai] Docker for Sakai

Cris J Holdorph holdorph at unicon.net
Fri Nov 21 07:07:08 PST 2014

You really have to put a lot of thought into Docker containers.  You 
really shouldn't have data that is changing be a part of the container, 
at least for production environments.  Even in a development setting 
you'll want to be careful that you do not accidentally save all of those 
changes to a new image unintentionally.

In Sakai there are 3 areas that will change a lot.

* log files
* database
* file system (resources, site archive, the "sakai" directory under tomcat)

The "file system" and "log files" should probably be handled with 
Volumes, where as the database should probably be handled with another 
linked docker container to the database.

The docker image you linked, does not specify how to handle any of the 
above, so they are probably not 'handled' at all, and are just living 
inside of that container.  This could be useful for a very quick "demo", 
but not a good image for production, qa, or even development.

---- Cris J H

On 11/21/2014 06:40 AM, Neal Caidin wrote:
> Hi Sakai-dev,
> The Sakai core team had a brief discussion about Docker for Sakai, and I
> saw a tweet just come by with this:
> https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/conder/sakai/
> Not sure if this is a one-off deal and if it is helpful to the discussion?
> -- Neal

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