[Building Sakai] Gateway content question

Matthew Jones matthew at longsight.com
Wed Jun 18 06:21:55 PDT 2014

The !gateway is just a site with pages of tools like any other site in
Sakai. Most of the tools are just the regular sakai.iframe (Web content)
tool. You can view the source configuration of the gateway pages by
searching for the !gateway siteid as admin and looking at the pages and
tool properties. Out of the box, most of them point to pages in /library
(which is static content generated from reference) like
'/library/content/gateway/about.html'. Some schools rather than modify this
content on the server, opt to put files in the public section which is what
your path indicates (/access/content/public).

You can find this path (and all files in /access/) by logging on as an
admin and going to Administration Workspace->Resources. In this case there
is a folder there public and should be a folder there pages and the file
you're looking for. You can edit that as HTML and your changes will be
presented where they are configured.

This file is "physically" either stored in the database binary encoded or
stored in the filesystem with a unique id, depending on how your server is
configured, but you'd have to run a database query to find where it was
stored and what it's called.


If that comes back as null, it would be stored in the database. And I don't
have any quick tips for getting files out without getting everything out.

On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 8:28 AM, James Scoble <scoble.james at gmail.com>

>  Hello
> I'm trying to find where on the server Sakai stores the .html files for
> the front gateway.
> The gateway tool shows them as having a paths like
> /access/content/public/pages/page.html
> But I cannot find that path anywhere on the filesystem.
> Where does it store those pages?
> regards
> James
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