[Building Sakai] Sakai 3.0 source link

Brian Baillargeon bbailla2 at uwo.ca
Fri Jun 13 07:59:07 PDT 2014

As Aaron indicated, the next version after Sakai 2.9 is Sakai 10. But 
also note that Sakai 3 was one of the names given to the Apereo OAE 
project. Pardon me if I get the history wrong, but here's my 
understanding: OAE had a few different names - Sakai 3, Sakai OAE, then 
there was a lot of confusion, so Sakai OAE was renamed Apereo OAE when 
we joined the Apereo foundation. Now it's recognized as an entirely 
different entity from Sakai and is known as Apereo OAE. I believe its 
source is here: https://github.com/oaeproject.

More info on Apereo OAE: http://oaeproject.org/

Note: this mailing list is for Sakai developers. Looks like OAE has its 
own mailing lists, but I wouldn't know how active they are:

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