[Building Sakai] Proposal for Sakai release 10.0

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Fri Jun 13 04:52:40 PDT 2014

Hi sakai-dev and sakai-pmc,

The Sakai Core team proposes to start the Sakai 10.0 release process by
next Wednesday, June 18, assuming no new blockers are discovered.

Background Information Overview
We have released Sakai 10.0-RC02 (release candidate 02) on Wednesday
afternoon, June 11, 2014. We have already fixed a few more bugs for RC03
[1], and we have one issue which we hope to get fixed but is not a blocker.
[2] and another issue which will be completed in conjunction with the
release [3].

Release notes are mostly done. Conversion scripts are completed. Property
documentation is complete.

Release of Artifacts - Matt and Earle
Setup a new profile in the base pom i.e. "api".
This profile will contain all modules that are api's and a few other
modules who's artifacts need to be released (see master/pom.xml
org.sakaiproject dependencies).

Since the nexus pom contains the correct <distributionManagement/> and is
inherited by all projects we would then use mavens deploy plugin all we
will need to do is run maven deploy with the profile "api" activated. This
will perform the deploy of just those modules in the "api" profile.

This is our current best solution with least amount of changes though it
may change depending on the outcome.

Updating of Sakaiproject.org - Neal
The following pages which reference the current Sakai release be updated by
Neal following the release tag being cut, and before the official


Official release documentation - Matt and Neal
http://source.sakaiproject.org/release currently points to
http://source.sakaiproject.org/release/2.9.3 will instead point to
http://source.sakaiproject.org/release/10.0 by updating
www/release/index.html by adding the new url.

Neal will update the documentation at
http://source.sakaiproject.org/release/10.0 in advance of the release. Matt
will validate at the time of release and before pointing
http://source.sakaiproject.org/release to the new release docs.

Release notes - Neal and Diego del Blanco Orbitg with input from Sakai Core
Team, and Crowdsourcing encouraged (but not much input so far)
Mostly completed and mostly translated into Spanish

By rules of Lazy Consensus
Voting on the question is now OPEN and will conclude no later than Monday,
16 June 2014, 23:59 UTC.

Voting is restricted to the Sakai PMC, but input is requested and welcome
from anyone in the community. This means you!

As a reminder, this is a public, on-list vote with a "+1" signifying
approval. Per PMC governance documents, a -1 vote must be accompanied by a
detailed explanation. A single -1 vote based on a material objection will
block action. However, -1 blocking votes can be overridden by a 2/3
majority roll call vote of active PMC members.

[1] Issues fixed for RC03 -
[2] Critical issue hoping to fix for RC03, but not a blocker  (per Sakai
core team call) - https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-25899
[3] RSF version 0.8.0 for Sakai 10 -
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