[Building Sakai] Upcoming content-review/assignments changes

Brian Baillargeon bbailla2 at uwo.ca
Tue Jun 10 12:47:07 PDT 2014

FYI to avoid duplicated efforts:

Bryan Holladay and I will be making the following modifications to 
content-review as well as assignments:

  * Adding a federated content review service.
      o You will be able to run multiple content-review services side by
  * Cleaning up hard references of "Turnitin" / Turnitin specific
      o All references will point to your actual content-review service.
  * Multiple attachments as well as inline submissions will be
      o Currently, only one attachment can be content-reviewed per
        submission; inline submissions are never reviewed.
  * The content-review api will provide a call to upload multiple
    resources and a call to retrieve multiple reports at once.
      o This will improve performance if your content-review service
        implementation uses, say, a web-service as opposed to the
        contentreview_item table.
  * The student's view of an assignment will always reflect the
    assignment's accepted submission type; students will always have
    access to their previously submitted material.
      o Currently, if a student tries to resubmit after the instructor
        has changed the assignment's accepted submission type (ie. from
        Inline & Attachments to Inline only), the student may not have
        access to their previously uploaded material or they may
        continue to submit attachments/inline text when it is no longer

-Brian Baillargeon

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