[Building Sakai] sakai infrastructure configuration

Sanghyun Jeon euksa99 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 28 23:20:36 PDT 2014

Hello All,

We regularly have about 2000 concurrent users and plan to move to Sakai
2.9.3 from Sakai 2.8 this Summer. We are running Sakai 2.8.x running 4 app
nodes with one mysql database. One Apache front end server with 4GB memory
is linked to two Sakai app servers with 8GB memory. Two tomcat app nodes
are running on each Sakai app server. Each tomcat is currently configured
as follows:

-Xms1536m -Xmx3072m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:NewSize=768m
-XX:MaxNewSize=1024m -XX:+UseParallelOldGC

While upgrading Sakai, we plan to reconfigure our infrastructure to improve
throughput and accommodate our gradually increasing concurrent users (we
expect 2,500 this Fall). I’ve heard that Sakai loves heap. However, I’ve
also read that larger memory space means it takes the JVM longer to do
garbage collections. I am wondering whether Sakai community experts can
give me some guidance/advice on which one will be better: four 16GB tomcat
servers (Plan A) or six 8GB tomcat servers (Plan B). Or would a totally
different architecture be better, such as pairing an Apache with each and
every tomcat? We’ll welcome any advice or suggestions.


Plan A

Plan B

Sakai 2.8.x

Tomcat 5

jdk 6

Mysql 5.1

Sakai 2.9.3

Tomcat 7.0.42

jdk 1.7.0_40

Mysql 5.5

Sakai 2.9.3

Tomcat 7.0.42

jdk 1.7.0_40

Mysql 5.5

Apache server

One 4GB and 2 cores

One 16GB and 4 cores

One 16GB and 4 cores

Sakai db server

One 8GB and 4 cores

One 32GB and 4 cores

One 32GB and 4 cores

Sakai app server

Two 8GB servers, two tomcats per serverà total four 4GB tomcat servers

Two 32GB servers, two tomcats per server à total four 16GB tomcat servers

Three 16GB servers, two tomcats per server à total six 8GB tomcat servers


-Xms1536m -Xmx3072m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:NewSize=768m
-XX:MaxNewSize=1024m -XX:+UseParallelOldGC

-Xmx9g -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

-Xmx6g -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
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