[Building Sakai] Signup Tool update

Anthony Whyte arwhyte at umich.edu
Wed Jan 15 12:39:25 PST 2014

The signup tool is under consideration for inclusion in Sakai 10.  I've been helping Peter Liu of Yale ready the code for transfer from the contrib repo to the core repo.  The following is status update.

I'll start by first highlighting t that signup has a dependency on another contrib project: external-calendaring-service (ECS). This compact service is authored by one of my heroes Steve Swinsburg.   It will also need to be transferred to the core repo if signup is moved.  I've prepped ECS as well in order to facilitate transfer of both modules to core.

Work is tracked in SIGNUP-239 and SAK-25543.  A few notes will suffice.  Details can be had from the tickets.

signup trunk 
Branch created:  trunk branched to signup-2.10.x prior to prep work (delete later I reckon)
License.  Java code relicensed ECL 2.0, copyright Apereo Foundation (a code donation; license patch reviewed and committed by Yale).
Version:  updated to 10.0-SNAPSHOT
Assembly: deleted in line with core trunk modules
Dependency upgrades:  Quartz (done), Spring (under way)
Jenkins: trunk job a bit musty.  Updated.  Artifacts were and are deployed to the Sonatype snapshot repo
Other minor pom tweeks and cleanup performed

external-calendaring-service trunk
Branch created:  trunk branched to external-calendaring-service-1.0.x prior to prep work
License added:  Originally unlicensed.  Permission granted by Steve Swinsburg to license the code ECL 2.0, copyright Apereo Foundation (a code donation)
Version updated: 10.0-SNAPSHOT
Assembly deleted: align with other core module practice
Dependency upgrades: Spring (others under review)
Jira component created:  no project, no issue tracking for this code (running fast and loose, I like it).  Took the liberty of adding a component to the SAK project.
Jenkins: job created; artifacts deployed to the Sonatype repo
Other minor pom tweeks and cleanup performed

Community TODOs
Dependency upgrades: both modules require a Spring upgrade.  Work under way.  Will check other dependencies
Jira: add signup component to SAK; migrate signup tickets to SAK
Release/QA teams: determine readiness of signup/external-calendaring-service for inclusion in 10.0
Transfer modules from contrib to core (I recommend transfer whether or not signup makes it in to 10.0.  It will be ready for a later release).



anthony whyte | its and mlibrary | university of michigan | arwhyte at umich.edu | 517-980-0228

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