[Building Sakai] LDAP basePath question

Anand Mehta anand.mehta at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 1 08:48:18 PDT 2014


We are using Sakai 2.9.2 (Windows 2008/Oracle 11g). Our directory services team recently moved some old user records to a different OU (zzzArchive) and Sakai's basePath is currently set to OU=People,DC=school,DC=edu. This change is preventing instructors from seeing old students' records for comparison and performance analysis.

We tried to change the basePath to just DC=school,DC=edu and set followReferrals to true, but it does not seem to work. The Site Info tool does not list any users and we see the attached error in the log. We have autobind set to true and are using a bind account.

We searched in JIRA and mail archives but did not find a solution. Can you please suggest some ideas that we can try? Also, I believe that Sakai has the ability to have multiple LDAP connections, but I have not been able to locate the documentation. I had this link bookmarked (http://www.unicon.net/node/1027) but it no longer works.


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