[Building Sakai] Cache settings documentation

Paul Dagnall pdagnall1 at udayton.edu
Mon Sep 9 11:11:29 PDT 2013

Is there documentation about the caching settings in Sakai 2.9? I found
some Jiras that mention the settings but no full explanations. If not,
perhaps this thread can be the start.

Would anyone care to share some guidelines for these settings from

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# AUTHZ cache - Minutes to cache each security question in the
SecurityService; set to 0 to disable caching.
cacheMinutes at org.sakaiproject.authz.api.SecurityService=3

# SITE cache - Minutes to cache each site (site, page, tool) access in the
SiteService; set to 0 to disable caching.
cacheMinutes at org.sakaiproject.site.api.SiteService=3

# User cache - ehcache default overrides (params = timeToLiveSeconds,
timeToIdleSeconds, maxElementsInMemory)

# JLDAP cache - ehcache default overrides (only meaningful if using the
JLDAP provider)

# Cache authentication to improve DAV performance for provided users.
# A maximumSize of 0 disables the cache. The cache is disabled by default.
# maxElementsInMemory at memory.org.sakaiproject.user.impl.AuthenticationCache

# Cache timeout for successful login-password combos.
# Cache timeout for failed login-password combos. (same timeout for success)
# timeToLive at memory.org.sakaiproject.user.impl.AuthenticationCache=120000


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