[Building Sakai] Important: DropBox Quota on 2.9 not working.

JUAN JOSé MEROñO SáNCHEZ jjmerono at um.es
Thu May 23 04:05:05 PDT 2013

I've tested that DropBox Quota is not wornking in 2.9.x. After a little 
research I've found that the patch was included and partially removed in 
Sep 21st.


If you look, you can see the path merge KNL-921 (DropBox Quota) (rev. 
113824), and the reverse patch (KNL-917 nothing in common with dropbox) 
(rev 113300).

The fact is that the drop box quota is included in 2.8 but half included 
in 2.9, SAK-21552 is still included so you can see the checkbox in UI to 
set the quota but it doesn't take effect because kernel part was removed.

I don't know if this is a release blocker, but looks ugly.

Bye !

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