[Building Sakai] webservice for gradebook and roster?

Gregory Guthrie guthrie at mum.edu
Fri Mar 22 06:30:03 PDT 2013

For example:
   "Then we invented the IMS Basic LTI Extensions to send grades back to the LMS and allow a full roster pull from the LMS over REST web services. I went back and added the REST web services to Sakai 2.8"

> -----Original Message-----
> Subject: webservice for gradebook and roster?
> Is there a REST webservice that can do the equivalent of an export from the roster &
> gradebook/allGrades pages?
> I want to do some overall class statistics and tracking for a class, and currently the only way
> I see to get this is either manually from the GUI which is not practical for ongoing usage, or
> from SQL queries to the database.
> Maybe the new Keitai project will provide such things, or do they already exist?
> I see some description of a "SearchForUsers" service, but I don't see it installed or
> described now to use it.
> -------------------------------------------

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