[Building Sakai] Melete 2.9.1 upgrade script for Oracle

David Adams da1 at vt.edu
Fri Mar 22 05:37:04 PDT 2013

When integrating the new Melete release into our Sakai 2.9 upgrade, we
found that the upgrade SQL script[1] is just a copy of the MySQL upgrade
script[2] and was not compatible with Oracle.

I edited the script for syntax to get it to where it runs. I can't speak
to the correctness of the modifications, however. Since Melete doesn't
seem to have a public JIRA, I'm attaching my edited script to this message
for anyone else who might run into this situation.


[1] https://source.sakaiproject.org/contrib/etudes/melete/tags/2.9.1/components/src/sql/oracle/melete_282-291_upgrade.sql

[2] https://source.sakaiproject.org/contrib/etudes/melete/tags/2.9.1/components/src/sql/mysql/melete_282-291_upgrade.sql
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