[Building Sakai] SVN CO errrors (sakai 2.9.1 & subversion 1.7)

Francois Campbell francois at opencollab.co.za
Fri Mar 22 02:47:14 PDT 2013

Good day.

Performing the the following svn checkout command on a new server.
svn co https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/sakai/tags/sakai-2.9.1/sakai-2.9.1

Getting these sort of errors constantly :
svn: warning: W200000: Error handling externals definition for 'config':
svn: warning: W175002: PROPFIND of
'/svn/!svn/rvr/121601/config/tags/sakai-2.9.1': could not connect to server
svn: warning: W200000: Error handling externals definition for 'content':
svn: warning: W175002: Unable to connect to a repository at URL '
svn: warning: W200000: Error handling externals definition for 'dav':
svn: warning: W175002: Unable to connect to a repository at URL '
svn: warning: W200000: Error handling externals definition for 'gradebook':

OS : CentOS release 6.3 (Final)

Tried to do the check out multiple times with the same sort of result. Svn
up on incomplete check out retrieved additional files but also hits the
same issue.

I attempted a check on my local machine (Windows on different network) and
another server (centos 6.3  on same network as server experiencing svn
issues) using svn version 1.6 with no problem.

Considering downgrading version of svn on the server but wanted to know if
anyone else has experienced something similar when using subversion version
(svn, version 1.7.8 (r1419691) ,compiled Dec 12 2012, 14:18:28)

Warm regards.
*Francois Campbell*
*Tel*: +27 21 970 4000 | *Fax*: +27 21 914 3098
*Skype*: francois_campbell_za
*Web*: www.opencollab.co.za


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