[Building Sakai] Dropdown list choice is not recovered by UsersAction.readUserForm

Rafael Morales Gamboa rmorales at suv.udg.mx
Wed Mar 13 22:11:34 PDT 2013


I have added a new entry (organization) in the user registration form. 
First it was an INPUT field, just as all others, and it did work fine.

         <p class="shorttext required">
             <label for="organization">
                 #if(!$user)<span class="reqStar">*</span>#end 
             <input type="text" name="organization" id="organization"

Then I replaced it by a SELECT field

         <p class="shorttext required">
             <label for="organization">
                 #if(!$user)<span class="reqStar">*</span>#end 
             <select name="organization" id="organization"/>
                 #foreach($item in $orgList)
                     <option value="$item"
                     #if($userOrganization && 
                     #elseif($valueOrganization && 

and now it displays pretty but does not record the user choice.

Any ideas? Some explanation of (or references to) how form data is 


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