[Building Sakai] CKEditor & Spelling correction.

Gregory Guthrie guthrie at mum.edu
Wed Mar 13 09:03:17 PDT 2013

This sounds good! One question is if this is automatic SCAYT - (spell check as you type) which I think is pretty much the current standard, or an explicit manual batch check of a document when done?

I like the Moodle description: "should be familiar to anyone who uses a word processor"...

From: John Bush [mailto:john.bush at rsmart.com]
Subject: Re: [Building Sakai] CKEditor & Spelling correction.

The google one doesn't require a third party install or any costs.  The library is Apache 2.0, and the only risk is that the google service is unavailable (in which case you just won't get any corrections, which seems like low risk considering the use case, and the provider is google).  Another advantage is that it has decent i18n support out of the gate, its capturing the sakai locale from ResourceLoader and sending that over to the google call, and Kevin already built it, so its ready to go.

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 12:45 PM, Gregory Guthrie <guthrie at mum.edu<mailto:guthrie at mum.edu>> wrote:


The text editor (sometimes referred to as the 'HTML editor' or even 'TinyMCE') has many icons to assist the user in entering content. Many of these icons and functions should be familiar to anyone who uses a word processor. Some examples of where you will see the text editor include: Editing Section headings, description of an activity, writing an answer to a quiz question or editing the content of many blocks.
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