[Building Sakai] Spring 3.2 and Hibernate 3.6 upgrades (KNL-515 / KNL-517)

Noah Botimer botimer at umich.edu
Mon Mar 11 14:20:31 PDT 2013

Hello all,

I'm pleased to note the completion of upgrades to Spring 3.2.1.RELEASE and Hibernate 3.6.10.Final, and that preliminary testing has gone very well.

But don't panic! This isn't in trunk yet; just standing by to be merged.

There are lots of details on the tickets [1][2], but the most important thing is that there is very good backward compatibility. Most of the things you would have done in code are unchanged.

Two obvious exceptions (config, not really code) to these are the dependencies declared (both libraries are now modular) and the universal use of the "materialized_clob" datatype for long text data (a consistency improvement, which maps a Java String to a CLOB / TEXT field, as was previously accomplished with string types and length limits). All known changes have been applied to all of the core, so you shouldn't have to worry too much. All tests pass nicely. Contrib maintainers: it's pretty straightforward for any given tool.

There will be some more documentation about the specifics (say, some of the constant or cache region changes), but this is ready for broad testing now. Because nearly every module is touched, this upgrade is not in a set of Subversion branches (way too much work). I am maintaining them on GitHub and keeping a branch synchronized with trunk:


I've done testing on MySQL and Oracle. Others (Sam, Aaron, Zach, Chris) have been testing as well, and we have found no standing regressions. So, I will put it to the TCC to think about the right time to apply these changes to trunk. I am deliberately sharing this now, after 2.9.1 has settled, since I think this is about the right time.

I should also note that this was a big chunk of work, graciously sponsored by Unicon.

Comments, test results, and pull requests are welcome.


[1] - https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/KNL-515
[2] - https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/KNL-517
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