[Building Sakai] Missing keys in Profile2 when using ETS

Daniel Merino daniel.merino at unavarra.es
Wed Jun 12 03:55:06 PDT 2013

Hi everybody.

We are testing email notifications of different events in Profile2 1.5.2 
over Sakai 2.9.2.

The templates wallPostMyWallNew and profileChangeNotification have one 
missing key each and ETS throws exceptions in Tomcat's log about them:

2013-06-12 12:21:18,735 ERROR Thread-18 freemarker.runtime - Template 
processing error: "Expression wallLink is undefined on line 4, column 3 
in profile2.wallPostMyWallNew."
2013-06-12 12:25:01,263 ERROR Thread-19 freemarker.runtime - Template 
processing error: "Expression toolName is undefined on line 8, column 
112 in profile2.profileChangeNotification."

I have tracked the keys and values that 
org.sakaiproject.profile2.logic.SakaiProxyImpl is sending in 
replacementValues to this method:

template = 
user.getReference(), replacementValues);

-If I publish something in my wall (wallEventNew template) these keys 
and values are sent:

KEY = senderDisplayName
KEY = wallLink
KEY = localSakaiName
KEY = senderWallLink
KEY = toolName
KEY = localSakaiUrl
VALUE = Daniel Merino
VALUE = UPNA CSIE Pruebas 2.9.2-all
VALUE = Profile
VALUE = http://localhost:8082/portal

-But if I publish something in other user's wall (wallPostMyWallNew 
template), Profile2 sends these other items:

KEY = senderDisplayName
KEY = localSakaiName
KEY = toolName
KEY = localSakaiUrl
KEY = profileLink
VALUE = Daniel Merino
VALUE = UPNA CSIE Pruebas 2.9.2-all
VALUE = Perfil
VALUE = http://csie-server.unavarra.es:8082/portal

So we have that wallLink key is sent in one template and is not sent in 
the other.

I haven't found any related JIRA and I don't know if I should create one 
as it seems a local issue of us. Please, could you help me?

Thanks in advance.
Best regards.
Daniel Merino Echeverría
daniel.merino at unavarra.es
Gestor de teleformación - Centro Superior de Innovación Educativa.
Tfno: 948-168489 - Universidad Pública de Navarra.

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