[Building Sakai] Programmatic content-tool/resource manipulation question

Lydia Rice lydia at sipx.com
Thu Jun 6 15:13:13 PDT 2013

I'm hunting for a means by which a Sakai tool can 
programmatically inject items into the resources of a 
course, but have so far failed to find a means to do so.  
Any pointers would be very much appreciated.

To clarify what I'm looking to do a little, I have an 
existing Sakai tool (which is not the built-in 
content-tool), and I want the code in my tool to be able to 
manipulate the resources associated with a course in a 
manner analogous to what the user would achieve by futzing 
with the resources of a course using the UI, (i.e. by 
clicking on a Site tab, then Resources).  I had hoped to 
find a piece of API lurking that would be functionally 
equivalent to (say):

<<resourceId>>,  <<name>>, <<description>>, <<url>>);

(or perhaps findResource, createResource, updateResource, 
deleteResource, ....)

Obviously, the content-tool's UI has a lot more features, so 
any real API would take a bunch more parameters, and so 
would be expected to be a little more complicated, but I 
hope you get the picture.

I'm probably being dumb about this, but I've searched high 
and low and haven't been able to find anything even remotely 
approximating an API for resource manipulation.  I'm a Sakai 
neophyte, so perhaps if I were more immersed in Sakai 
culture the answer would be obvious, but I've come up with a 
blank so far in all my poking around.

I'd be very grateful for any pointers,


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