[Building Sakai] Not limited joiner roles in site creation

Daniel Merino daniel.merino at unavarra.es
Thu Jan 24 04:22:57 PST 2013

Answering myself, this can be disabled configuring the property in 
sakai.properties with any value that is NOT a permission. I.e:


though IMHO an empty value in this property should not take site.upd as 
prohibited permission by default.

Best regards.

Daniel Merino escribió:
> Hi everybody.
> In SAK-18462, it was changed the way joinable sites work. Now there are 
> a list of permissions that roles must NOT have to be allowed to join the 
> site. For example, maintains have site.upd, so if this permission is in 
> the list, it is not possible to set the joinable site to join new users 
> as maintains.
> This new behaviour has been configured by default and is not documented 
> anywhere (or maybe I haven't seen in the proper places), so is easy that 
> new becomers to 2.9 don't notice it and don't know why is happening 
> (like me).
> But my doubt is: how can I disable it? I want maintain roles back but 
> setting siteinfo.prohibited_permission_for_joiner_role with empty value 
> in sakai.properties doesn't seem to have effect.
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards.

Daniel Merino Echeverría
daniel.merino at unavarra.es
Gestor de teleformación - Centro Superior de Innovación Educativa.
Tfno: 948-168489 - Universidad Pública de Navarra.
Si Noé hubiera sido realmente sabio, hubiera liquidado a aquellas dos 
moscas. (Helen Castle)

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