[Building Sakai] how to extend the Steve's Wicket example?

David F. Torres Sola david7torres at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 02:01:25 PST 2013


I started to modify the Steve's Wicket Archetype recently.

I have the next problem:
>From the pages, methods of ProjectLogic interface (ProjectLogicImpl
implementation) are called.
I created a new method "void doNothing(){}" in the interface and in the
implementation, and I called it from the pages (Eclipse finds the methods,
and it can be compiled)

The ProjectLogic object it is not created traditionally, it is created
using a Wicket annotation.



protected ProjectLogic projectLogic;


list = projectLogic.getThings(); /*It is working, because already existed
in the ProjectLogic and ProjectLogic Impl */
projectLogic.doNothing(); /* throws the exception java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
renuda.logic.ProjectLogic.doNothing()V */

I guess it has something to do with spring, but I don't have a clue...

The bean mentioned before is in


<!-- ProjectLogic -->
<bean id="renuda.logic.ProjectLogic"

    <property name="dao" ref="renuda.dao.ProjectDao" />
    <property name="cache" ref="renuda.cache" />


    <!-- DAO. This uses the DataSource that has already been setup by Sakai
<bean id="renuda.dao.ProjectDao"
<property name="jdbcTemplate">
<bean class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate">
<constructor-arg type="javax.sql.DataSource">
<ref bean="javax.sql.DataSource" />


Thank you for your help,
David Torres
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