[Building Sakai] Reminder: Project sites on Longsight QA01 server

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Mon Dec 30 04:54:33 PST 2013

[sakai-dev and sakai-qa]


A reminder that if you are doing Sakai 10-qa01 testing that you should 
plan on using Project sites instead of Course sites on the Longsight QA 
server [1]. This problem will be fixed for qa02.

You can test directly on trunk [2] with Course sites. Trunk does restart 
every four hours based on midnight Eastern time (5 am GMT) and user data 
is erased, so you need to time your testing.

1 - Longsight QA server - https://qa10.longsight.com
2 - trunk - http://nightly2.sakaiproject.org:8082/portal


Neal Caidin
Sakai Community Coordinator
Apereo Foundation
neal.caidin at apereo.org
Skype me! (but let me know in advance for the first interaction) - nealkdin

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