[Building Sakai] Proposal - By default we should turn on new features in Sakai 10

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Wed Dec 11 07:05:35 PST 2013

[sakai-dev, sakai-pmc, sakai-qa]

I’m not sure if this needs a proposal or not, but seems like a good idea to put this out in the community and get a discussion going.

By default we should plan on turning on all new features for Sakai 10 in source code, by default, except for features with performance or security concerns, or settings which are too ambiguous to guess at a standard need across institutions.

New features are more likely to be QA tested and adopted if they are turned on. Institutions are therefore more likely to reap the benefit of the work put into developing the feature, and we are more likely to improve the quality of the feature over time, since more institutions, by default, will be using it. 

Our current process is that the defaults are set in source code and documentation is added to default.sakai.properties, the place where the property can be set to override default behavior. This proposal does not change the current process for adding properties to Sakai. It will still be easy for any given institution to turn off a feature they don’t want by setting the value they need in sakai.properties or local.properties (which I believe is recommended and best practice). 

For Sakai 10 we are documenting which features to turn on [1]. Essentially we are using the criteria in this proposal as our lens for our recommendations already.

Community input and Decision making:
A material objection raised by a Sakai PMC member will block this proposal.  Other opinions are welcome, indeed encouraged.  Silence equals consent. Input must be received by Monday, December 16, close of business, your time zone.  

[1] - https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-23912


Neal Caidin
Sakai Community Coordinator
neal.caidin at apereo.org
Skype: nealkdin
Twitter: ncaidin

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