[Building Sakai] Melete Problem

Coetzee, Nico Coetzeen at unisa.ac.za
Mon Dec 9 22:57:22 PST 2013

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Dear All,

We are using Sakai 2.9.1, Melete 2.9.1 and the CK Editor that comes with Sakai 2.9.1.

When using the CK Editor to enter "Textual" content, after clicking Save the editor adds an extra line at the beginning of the document. In fact it adds the following html code <p><br />&nbsp;</p>.

The same html code is added every time a SAVE or DONE button is pressed. This only happens on Melete and not any other sakai tools.

I initially thought that it relates to the CK Editor options - in particular the following
breakBeforeOpen : true,
            breakAfterOpen : false,
            breakBeforeClose : false,
            breakAfterClose : true

After toggling the above CK Editor ptions, I am still having  the same problem.

Is the a place in melete that sets the behaviour of the CK Editor?

The closest I could get to a solution is this problem: http://collab.sakaiproject.org/pipermail/sakai-dev/2009-May/001330.html

"Melete uses sakai:inputRichText tag to render FCK editor while most of
the other sakai tools use sakai:richTextArea tag. When we were working
on this issue it was recommended to use sakai:inputRichText tag and the
other tag was being deprecated but it never did and is actually a better

Could the sakai:inputRichText be responsible for this odd behaviour?

Has anyone ever seen this before and what was the solution to it?


Nico Coetzee

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