[Building Sakai] Sakai 10 feature proposal deadline - Friday, December 13

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Mon Dec 9 05:48:56 PST 2013

[announcements, production, sakai-user, sakai-dev, sakai-qa, i18n, accessibility, pedagogy, sakai-docs]

Dear All,

Sakai 10 will be the successor to Sakai 2.9 and we are in the process of completing the definition of the scope of the project (i.e. which features will be in Sakai 10 and which may need to wait for a later release). 

A final decision is pending to have a cutoff date of this Friday, December 13, for any new proposals for features that could be added to Sakai 10. If you have any features you would like to propose for inclusion in Sakai 10, but  are not sure you have enough time to get a proposal in by this week, please email me at neal.caidin at apereo.org so we can discuss. We’ve been working towards a December deadline to define Sakai 10 scope for the last month or two, but realize not everyone may be aware of this effort and want to make sure that any concerns from the community can be heard. 

Proposals should include a clear statement of the feature, a rationale for why the feature should be included, and resources which are available to produce and support the feature. Most or all features features which are currently targeted for Sakai 10, are already developed or are relatively small features which can be completed before our feature code freeze date, (likely) January 17, 2014, just prior to the Apereo Camp in Mesa, Arizona.

Thanks for your attention. Questions and concerns welcome.


Neal Caidin
Sakai Community Coordinator
neal.caidin at apereo.org
Skype: nealkdin
Twitter: ncaidin

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