[Building Sakai] Sakai 10 testing to begin soon

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Tue Dec 3 10:40:26 PST 2013

[announcements, production, sakai-user, sakai-dev, sakai-qa, i18n, accessibility, pedagogy, sakai-docs]

Dear Community,

I am excited to announce that we have started the process to produce Sakai 10. Sakai 10 will be the successor to Sakai 2.9 .  Sakai 10 will have significant improvements to most of the tools in Sakai including a much improved Search tool, peer reviewed Assignments, the next generation of the Lessons tool, support for LTI 2.0 (based on IMS Learning Tools Interoperability Standard), a revamped Syllabus tool,  easier setup and new question types for Test and Quizzes (Samigo), and more. The target for Sakai 10 is to release it before the next Open Apereo conference in 2014. 

How can you help? I’m so glad you asked! 

We need bug fixers, QA testers, and help with documentation. We will be starting our first round of testing in the next week or so. Please be looking for more details coming soon about the QA effort, probably starting next week (week of December 9). 

There are a lot of benefits to participating in QA testing including:

* Bugs tend to get squashed a lot faster during our QA cycles. This could mean less work for your institution when you upgrade.
* Get a better sense of what is coming, helping you with your Sakai planning.
* More connection with your fellow community members. I mean, that’s why you are part of Sakai, right? For the community :-). 

Please feel free to ask questions, and we will keep you posted on Sakai 10 progress!


Neal Caidin
Sakai Community Coordinator
neal.caidin at apereo.org
Skype: nealkdin
Twitter: ncaidin

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