[Building Sakai] Help with SAK-23755

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Wed Aug 14 05:22:12 PDT 2013

[ cc'ing QA , but targeted to Devs]



AFAICT this Jira correctly fixes the problem and therefore passes testing for CLE 2.9.3. Anyone know otherwise? 

It seems like one or more new issues were found during the testing of the Jira, if you look at the more recent comments on the ticket.

1) Provided users somehow become inactive. This may be an intermittent problem. 

2) At least on 2.9.x nightly there seems to be no way through Realms to make inactive Provided users in a site, active (or at least in this one course site, which I cannot recreate - see item #3 below, though three of us were able to verify yesterday). This affects things like showing up the in Gradebook. Inactive users do not show.

3) If I log into 2.9.x nightly as, literally, the "instructor" account, and go through the worksite creation process for a course site and use Provided sections, it seems like a course site is created, but it does not show up anywhere <grrr>.  And it seems like I've reported this before and cannot find the ticket <double grrrr>  . If I use the workflow, "still cannot find your course section?" , it works fine.

Would appreciate suggestions for possible ways to reproduce problems and whether they merit a new Jira or two, etc.


Neal Caidin
Sakai CLE Community Coordinator
neal.caidin at apereo.org
Skype: nealkdin
Twitter: ncaidin

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