[Building Sakai] Sakai 2.9.2 and Kernel 1.3.2 problems during load testing

Charles Severance csev at umich.edu
Thu Aug 8 13:47:09 PDT 2013

On Aug 7, 2013, at 9:21 AM, Steve Swinsburg <steve.swinsburg at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Chuck,
> Do we even need a cache on this? As you say, how often does a site change its frame policy? They might change it once or twice only. Having it refresh its cache regularly and perform all of that work for something that will rarely, if ever occur is unnecessary IMO. It's nice for automation but maybe not as useful in this case.
> I'd scrap the cache and just have it refresh its setting when the iframe portlet settings are saved. Then if the other site does change their settings, a user can go and update the settings and it will be fixed.  Then it may never need to be updated ever again. There may be a downtime when the link is not available and until someone can fix it. But there will be during the cache period also. And it would be a rare occurrence anyway.

Part of what you say might be an improvement.  Let me try to reword fixing the part that does not sound quite right to me.

(a) If we check  a URL that is not marked to "pop up"and they say "xframe not allowed" - just change the popup setting and then never check again.

(b)  If we check  a URL that is not marked to "pop up"and they don't say "not allowed" (not double negative)  - how long should we wait before we check again.  

Currently (a) is not part of the design but it could be.  But if the person did not check popup and we notices frame and switched popup on  and they got upset and switched it off and then we switched it on - that would not be too friendly.

For (b) it is still a "Cache" - just one with a very long expiry (a week perhaps...)...

If we did (a) we would need some kind of notification in the edit dialog that we noticed an xframe prohibited and turning off popup would likely result in a blank page.

I can build up a nice (a) - I think it is a good idea but needs a little more thought.   I think (b) means there is a still a cache and all we argue about is the default expiry.

Comments welcome.


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