[Building Sakai] Problems starting an upgraded 2.8 to 2.9.x instance

Matthew Jones matthew at longsight.com
Wed Apr 24 19:08:03 PDT 2013

Yea, except what you're describing here *sounds* like a 10+ hour feature
verses what was a 10 minute fix. (And much more discussion) Though some
recent work in 2.9.0 does show the Next Run if you click on a specific
trigger, but it sounds like you'd want a new page that shows you all these
times on one place. Not being able to see what's run where, especially
across a cluster is a big problem, and this was the main motivation for
this. Most schools only want quartz to run on a single node, and because
the quartz.property is set and because quartz.properties is hardcoded to be
"org.quartz.jobStore.isClustered = false" I wouldn't trust running
duplicate jobs in a large cluster either.

The solution committed solves the immediate problem that Jeremy had and is
a property currently used by rSmart and others. I agree that it's something
that could be built upon or changed around, but Chris solution was 150
lines (verses 10) and I didn't even try to commit it. It also wouldn't have
fixed this problem with the bean and requires you to define a list of all
the servers you want to run cron on rather than just turning it off. (Which
is more work for anyone who needed to switch around this property)

Personally I find it easier to put into local.properties the constant
property to switch off the individual server than figure out which property
matches up with the name to turn it on. Maybe if 10 people voted it would
go 50/50. I don't think there's a problem with this property overlapping
either. Someone might want to turn off a server, someone might want to turn
on named servers. Which property would take precedence if someone decided
to define one on and one off? Maybe we'll have to add another property for
that! (Or else just print a warning and not start the server?)
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