[Building Sakai] lessons support for antisamy

Aaron Zeckoski azeckoski at unicon.net
Mon Apr 22 14:54:31 PDT 2013

When you say you added support for antisamy I think you mean you added
support for the new feature that allows tools to suggest different
security scan levels for user entered content. If that assumption is
wrong then please clarify and ignore the rest of this email.

I think your tool should just request the lowest level of safety for
the scanner that is appropriate for your app. There should be no
reason for you to need to know what the default scan level is.

So if you are dealing with something admins are entering and you want
to trust them then call it like this:
String processFormattedText(strFromBrowser, errorMessages, Level.NONE);

If you think they need to be checked some but can be trusted more
(like an instructor):
String processFormattedText(strFromBrowser, errorMessages, Level.LOW);

and if you know they need to checked for sure (and securely limited):
String processFormattedText(strFromBrowser, errorMessages, Level.HIGH);

and finally, if you are not sure and/or you want to let the system admin decide:
String processFormattedText(strFromBrowser, errorMessages, Level.DEFAULT);
String processFormattedText(strFromBrowser, errorMessages);

As always, the system admin can configure their own high and low by
overriding the antisamy definition files (and none requires no
configuration as no scanning happens in that case). You might mention
that admins should avoid restricting certain operations when using
lessonbuilder but ultimately it is up to them to decide what level of
security they want for their institution. I expect that 90% of cases
will use the built in definitions and most people using their own are
likely to reduce the restrictions.

In the cases where the Antisamy scanner is not used (and the legacy
scanner is used), it is simply going to scan at the same level for low
and high (which is roughly equivalent to a bit less secure than the
default antisamy low setting). Therefore you should be safe in
assuming that it won't strip out or restrict content which would be
allowed in the default antisamy settings (again, no guarantee since
the legacy scanner can also be customized on a per-installation basis,
but this is rare so same qualification as above).

Does that help?

On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 5:24 PM, Charles Hedrick <hedrick at rutgers.edu> wrote:
> I've just added support of rantisamy. I need to get it in immediately, or 2.9.2 may cause unexpected results.
> When dealing with user HTML, currently for instructors I do no filtering.
> WIth antinomy I believe I should use LOW, although many sites will probably need to set it to NONE.
> The problem is that I can't tell what default to use. I can tell whether we have antisamy code. I currently say that if we have the code I default to LOW. The problem is that we may have the code but it may be disabled. There is no API call to tell whether it's disabled.
> What would you say to making useLegacyCleaner public? Otherwise the only thing I can think to do is to call it via introspection. I'm willing to do that, but I consider it ugly to call non-public methods in the kernel ,although I have the mechanics to do that set up.
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Aaron Zeckoski - Software Architect - http://tinyurl.com/azprofile

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