[Building Sakai] CLOG TOOL - posting a new entry and marking 'Only site administrators and I can see this post '

JOSE MARIANO LUJáN GONZáLEZ jmariano at um.es
Mon Apr 22 06:08:53 PDT 2013

Hi everyone,
when posting a new blog entry, if a user marks 'Only site administrators 
and I can see this post'.

What is clog checking to see if a user is a site administrator? some 
permissions? We where using the tool
in a course site and we would like to know how does it check whether a 
user is an administrator or not.


it didnt seem to check any of those permissions.

José Mariano Luján González - Aula Virtual
Area de Tecnologías de la Información
y las Comunicaciones Aplicadas (ATICA)
UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA - http://www.um.es

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