[Building Sakai] sakai-29.rutgers.edu

Charles Hedrick hedrick at rutgers.edu
Tue Sep 25 06:43:38 PDT 2012

In order to help some folks who are testing portal chat, sakai-29.rutgers.edu has been expanded to two front ends behind a load balancer. This system is running on our production infrastructure, with a valid SSL certificate. It's the closest we can give you to an actual production system running the current beta unmodified. I just enabled portal chat. This turns out to require a change to the host firewall rules, to allow the jgroup multicasts.

This differs from the Rutgers production systems only in resources: 2 front ends rather than 3, less memory in the systems. I'm also using the Oracle mysql, although in production we're using Maridb 5.2, and we recommend at the very least enabling innodb_plugin. If anyone wants to load test Samigo, we would probably update the database to something closer to our production, but for QA we wanted the safest database configuration.

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