[Building Sakai] Internationalizing a confirmation in RSF

Brian Baillargeon bbailla2 at uwo.ca
Mon Sep 17 14:43:45 PDT 2012

Hello all

When somebody submits a particular form, I'd like to have a yes/no 
confirmation dialog where the text is internationalized. This is in the 
context of RSF.
So I was thinking of using a javascript confirm to do this, but I want 
it to show text from Messages.properties.

So for example,
confirm.message=Are you sure you want to proceed?

function confirmSubmit()
     var agree=confirm(<Pull me from Messages.properties>);
     if (agree)
         return true;
         return false;
<input class="submit" type="submit" onclick="return confirmSubmit()" 
rsf:id="submitClaim" />

How can this be done? / Is there a better way to approach this in RSF?


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