[Building Sakai] Sakai databases..

Gregory Guthrie guthrie at mum.edu
Sun Nov 25 21:29:23 PST 2012

Is there any place where the fields of the Sakai database tables are defined?

For example, the surrogateKey and UUID fields in MFR_MESSAGE_T and MFR_OPEN_FORUM_T, of_surrogateKey & pf_surrogateKey in MFR_TOPIC_T, etc.

I'm not a database expert, but I have found many instances where tables reference each-other by various keys like this, but very few are declared in the Foreign Keys definitions - is this accurate?

I am trying to archive the forum messages from a course, and with the query below got them but I didn't yet find the Thread labels;  mostly because I am poking around blind in the database.

PS: the basic idea worked, and then I could take the query results, export them into a file as html, and load into either Word or a browser to render them.
(HeidiSQL allows export formats that makes this easy.)

# Find all forum Messages for user ::
select msg.Title, # msg.uuid, forum.uuid,
     # Email,       concat(First_Name, " ", Last_name),
       Author, msg.Created,
from MFR_MESSAGE_T    msg,
    MFR_OPEN_FORUM_T forum,
     MFR_AREA_T       area,
     SAKAI_USER       user,  SAKAI_SITE site
#    MFR_TOPIC_T      topic

where   site.title       = "CS505 -Summer 2012"  # Find this site (course)
  and   area.CONTEXT_ID  = site.SITE_ID   # forum for this site (course)
  and   area.name        = "Forums"
  and   forum.surrogateKey = area.ID
  and   user.Last_Name   = " Person "    # lookup myself!
  and   msg.created_By   = user.user_ID  # only my messages


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