[Building Sakai] resources bug or feature?

Adam Marshall adam.marshall at it.ox.ac.uk
Thu Nov 15 08:12:53 PST 2012

I believe this s a fairly serious bug. It appears others may think it is a useful feature. I'd like to see what other's think.




Altering permissions on parent folders do not cascade into existing group-protected folders


Permissions added or removed from the root folder in Resources (blue link 'Permissions' at the top of the page) do not cascade into existing group-protected sub folders (via Actions > Edit Folder Permissions) but they do cascade into other folders

This is potentially dangerous as site owners will modify the root level permissions and think they have removed access rights to group-protected folders when in fact they have not modified the permissions at all.


Discuss ......

Dr A C Marshall, WebLearn Service Manager, IT Services, University of Oxford.

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