[Building Sakai] Assigned JIRA ticket review

Aaron Zeckoski azeckoski at unicon.net
Tue Mar 27 13:17:13 PDT 2012

The CLE team is working on organizing and cleaning up the tickets so
it is possible to manage and identify the actual issues which affect
2.9, 2.8, and 2.7. Please take a moment to review your assigned
tickets (especially those of you with over 50 assigned!) and if you
will be working on it in the next 30 days (60 days max) then please
just put a comment on them or mark them as "in progress" so they will
appear to be active. However, if you will not be working on them in
the near future please assign them to "unassigned" or to one of the
teams (SAMIGO team, CLE team, MSGCNTR team, etc.) as appropriate.

We will be going through early next week and cleaning up the tickets
which have been inactive for over 6 months (even if they are still
assigned). Please let us know if you think you will need more time
(after this friday Mar 30) to complete your review.

Aaron Zeckoski - Software Architect - http://tinyurl.com/azprofile

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