[Building Sakai] Sakai 2.9.0-beta03 now available for testing

Sam Ottenhoff ottenhoff at longsight.com
Wed Mar 21 16:32:58 PDT 2012

We are pleased to announce the latest beta release of Sakai 2.9.  Sakai
2.9.0-b03 includes resolutions to 98 SAK JIRAs.

The demo and binary versions are available for download here:


Users interested in a quick demo version should download the appropriate
sakai-demo artifact.  Users interested in a compiled version of Sakai to
deploy to their local Tomcat 7, can choose the sakai-bin artifact.

Users interested in building from source can checkout code from the
Subversion repository:


Here is a JIRA filter that lists all 98 SAK issues that are included in the
2.9.0-beta03 release:


Users interested in helping out with the QA effort should join the Sakai-QA
Working Group:


Self-directed users that are interested in QA can start by helping to
confirm that issues have truly been resolved in the latest release.  For
example, the first issue in the JIRA filter above is SAK-21599 (Privacy
status does not list your courses).  We need someone to look at the issue,
test on a 2.9.0-beta03 instance, and provide a simple comment on that JIRA:
either "Confirmed working.... I tested on xxxxxx instance" or "Not working
as expected.  I tested on xxxxxxx instance and followed these steps...."

QA 2.9 beta03 instances:


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