[Building Sakai] Assignment and Gradebook2 issue

Raul Sanchez Vegas raulsv at um.es
Fri Mar 9 04:50:10 PST 2012

Hi all

We have find a bug in the Assignments Tool and we can't find an 
associated JIRA. The steps to reproduce it are:

1. The instructor creates a gradebook2 item in the Gradebook2 Tool 
called "gb2-item".
2. The instructor creates an assignment item (with the points score 
option selected) in the Assignment Tool and he associates it with 
3. Now he grades any student via the Gradebook Tool.
4. After this he enters to Asignment Tool, he can see the grade entered, 
but if he tries to release all grades by clicking on "Release Grades", 
the grade is not released.

Has anyone had the same issue?


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