[Building Sakai] Sakai login

Jaco Gillman jaco at opencollab.co.za
Thu Mar 8 06:13:22 PST 2012

Hi All

I am struggling to get Sakai to display the PDA Calendar view in my remote
application. In my remote application I use SakaiLogin.jws to get the sakai
sessionId and then construct a URL (none of the URLS below works) and
simply set this URL value to an iFrame src attribute.


What am I doing wrong? I found a comment that was made by Steve (
which is exactly what I am trying to accomplish.

Any help will be much appreciated!

* Em Ter, 2009-06-16 às 14:12 +0100, Steve Swinsburg escreveu:*>>*
Hi,*>>**>>**>>* Do you mean you want to login the user from a remote
application  *>>* and then redirect to Sakai so that user is already
logged in? there  *>>* are a few ways to do this: single signon if you
have that  *>>* available, or passing in the sessionid as a URL
parameter. You  *>>* could get the session from a web service
call.*>>**>>**>>* What is the remote application and does the user
authenticate to  *>>* that already?*>>**>>**


*Jaco Gillman***

Java Developer


*Tel*: +27 21 970 4017  |  *Fax*:* *+27 21 914 3098**

*Email*: jaco at opencollab.co.za  |  *Skype*: gillmanjc

*Web*: www.opencollab.co.za
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