[Building Sakai] Why do we still have the "mercury" site in Sakai's trunk

Charles Severance csev at umich.edu
Wed Jun 27 17:44:41 PDT 2012

On Jun 27, 2012, at 3:45 PM, Aaron Zeckoski wrote:

> Unlike pluto, mercury (portal) was formed when the system (Sakai) coalesced so I think the analogy is apt.
> :-)
> -AZ

Mercury was named in homage to this Apache project:


And if you look in your Sakai's Tomcat - the following is there:


Since Pluto is what provides Sakai with its JSR-168 support.

These files:


Named after one of Pluto's moons:


And if you look at this file:


And search for the string "varuna" you will find the comment:

		// this is based on what varuna is currently putting out

Which was a short-lived portal idea that we code named Varuna:


Again code-naming Sakai portal efforts to show the love for the recently-demoted-object-formerly-known-as-planet named "Pluto".

More modern portal code-named "neo" and "dos.equis" depart from the long tradition of ephemeral planetoid code names and devolve to mere mere pop-culture / meme references.

With all that said,  I like Steve's proposal https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-22122 and feel that we should remove mercury.   Cruft like this can turn into security problems or develop bugs.

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