[Building Sakai] Lesson Builder 2.8.1 binary

Hedrick Charles hedrick at rutgers.edu
Tue Jun 26 16:31:36 PDT 2012

2.8.2 just came out. As far as I know there's no difference in APIs, so 2.8.1 binaries should work for both. Is there any problem on 2.8.2?

Yes, trunk and 1.4.x are the same. If it builds and runs, it will be fine.

The BLI code will disable itself if version 2 isn't present. So you should be able to run it on a stock system. But LTI won't work. csev is responsible for that part of the code. The 2.8 version of BLTI is just too far behind to work properly with Lessons. If you need LTI, we ran 2.8.1 with a 2.9 version of LTI. There's a jira with instructions somewhere.

On Jun 26, 2012, at 3:04:07 PM, Warwick Chapman wrote:

> Charles
> Thanks for the response.
> I managed to build trunk against 2.8.2 with changes to the pom.xml, notably updating the versions to those in 2.8.2 and the real stickler was figuring out the following two lines to get it to find the BasicLTI 2.0 stuff it needed:
>                 <sakai.basiclti.version>2.0-SNAPSHOT</sakai.basiclti.version>
>                 <sakai.basiclti.scope>compile</sakai.basiclti.scope>
> Why would you focus on building binaries for 2.8.1 when 2.8.2 is now the preferred version for the 2.8 series?
> So, to confirm, if I build against trunk now, aside from the pom.xml it will be the same as building 1.4.x - so I can build in either and get the current feature set safely.
> Best of luck with the mutant angels...
> -- Warwick Bruce Chapman | +27 83 7797 094 | http://warwickchapman.com
> On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Hedrick Charles <hedrick at rutgers.edu> wrote:
> 1.3.x is of historical interest only. I wouldn't use it for new deploys, and I'd try to upgrade from it. Most current QA work is with 1.4, and that's the version that has been reviewed for accessibility. I will say that none of the fixes done since 1.3.x are what I'd call showstoppers, so I don't feel that bad about 1.3.x. But it's not being maintained unless someone finds a security problem or something really serious.
> There is no difference between 1.4.x and trunk, which is 1.5. They differ only in that the pom files are turned for 2.9 or trunk, respectively. At one point 1.4 was frozen for the 2.9 release. But when release of 2.9 slipped, the community encouraged me to resync 1.4.x with trunk. 1.4 will freeze at some point further in the 2.9 release cycle. 
> I think 1.4.x is fairly stable at this point. We're using the most recent version in production. (In fact 1.4.x/trunk is simply the community copy of our production source.) The largest change recently was code to make sure that pointers to other tools update properly when content is moved between sites, even in the face of incomplete kernel support. If that fails, it should fail only for site copies, and so far testing looks good. Another recent change was to take account of an accessibility review. None of this looks to me like it's particularly dangerous. 
> Rather than doing tags, I've been describing each update in the release notes. That will let you see whether anything serious has been done recently. As long as you remember that revision you took, I can reproduce issues by checking out the same revision. There are tags from 1.3.x for each 2.9 tag, of course.
> I'll probably do another 2.8.1 binary this week. That is done using a special pom file that is currently in 1.3.x, pom.xml.281.
> I may freeze 1.4 again if I do anything really big. But nothing is on the horizon. The biggest project I am committed to is CC export, though I keep putting it off. That will be a separate feature that should have little effect on other code.
> I also have some Angel import patches, but I haven't checked them in because it looks like we're working with a mutant version of Angel.
> On Jun 26, 2012, at 1:53:06 AM, Warwick Chapman wrote:
>> Charles
>> What would your advice be on the best version to build into a version update of Sakai.  I had 1.3.x which we didn't use for any production courses yet.  I've built in trunk to get the build process right (that BasicLTI 2.0 had me for a while).
>> Should I stick with trunk or use 1.4.x?
>> -- Warwick Bruce Chapman | +27 83 7797 094 | http://warwickchapman.com
>> On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 9:41 PM, Charles Hedrick <hedrick at rutgers.edu> wrote:
>> I have just updated with Lesson Builder confluence page,  https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/LB/Contrib+-+Lesson+Builder. 
>> One change: I am now maintaining a binary copy of Lesson Builder for Sakai 2.8.1. I believe it will also work with 2.8. It is at http://rci.rutgers.edu/~hedrick/lb/ The file name indicates the revision. This can be correlated with the release notes, https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/lessonbuilder/RELEASE-NOTES, to see what is in any given file.
>> Note that the binary is from the same source that is used for the Sakai 2.9 branch. It is built with the same options, except that it uses 2.8.1 dependencies. It uses the pom file pom.xml.281, and a virgin (i.e. no Rutgers modified files) SVN repository.
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