[Building Sakai] Fwd: navIntraTool's menu

Zoljargal Munkhjargal zoljargal.m at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 19:28:06 PDT 2012

I’m trying to put different icons in front of the menu’s in the
navIntraTool that differ based on the menu item.

I found follow vm script in announcement module.
In here, I can change firstToolBarItem, but I can't change other menu
I think, the other menu items are rendered *#toolbar($menu)* function but I
can't find declaration of *#toolbar($menu)*  function.
Can you tell me where is it?

<div class="portletBody">
#if ($isOnWorkspaceTab.equals("false"))
 #if($menu && $EnabledMenuItemExists)
#if ($toolId == "sakai.synoptic.announcement")
 <ul class="navIntraTool actionToolBar" role="menu">
*<li class="firstToolBarItem" role="menuitem">*
<a href="#" title="$tlang.getString("gen.recopt")" onclick="location =
'#toolLink("$action" "doOptions")';return false;">


*ZOLJARGAL Munkhjargal*

 Engineer of Study
School of Information Technology
 National University of Mongolia

 Tel:          +976 77307730 3307
Email:      zoljargal.m at gmail.com
Website:  www.sit.num.edu.mn
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