[Building Sakai] Occasional strange behavior with Assignments2

Nicola Monat-Jacobs nicola at longsight.com
Fri Jun 8 12:33:24 PDT 2012

We're seeing some odd behavior with Assignments2 and the Gradebook and its
not reliably reproducible, so we want to see if anyone else has ever seen

Here's a pretty good summary of the problem:

A handful of faculty have reported that when using Assignment2 grades sent
> to the gradebook are adding a zero to the grade. If the grade in
> Assignment2 reads "10" it would read "100" in gradebook, "8" would be "80"
> and so on. It does not change the total worth of the column, so students
> have ten times the score they should have which throws everything off.
> Grades appear correctly inside Assignment2 however.

> The only solution I have found is removing the column from the gradebook,
> then resending the grades. They send correctly the second time. It seems to
> be random, and happens very infrequently.

Sound familiar to anyone?

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