[Building Sakai] BBB1.0.7-b2 can't read recordings

Jesus Federico jesus at blindsidenetworks.com
Wed Jun 6 09:11:56 PDT 2012

Hi Daniel and Wendy,

I'm sorry this took so longer. But yeah, the lesson learned for me is
"Always check the cable first"...

The problem you have and because you are getting the error on recordings is
because you have an extra "/" at the end of your bbb.url parameter

With this you will have the error


With this you will not have error


I know, it is ridiculous. Specially because it shouldn't work either for
the other commands like join or create. But there is where the problem is.

Anyway, I'm updating the code to always check and take off the final slash
if there is one.



*Jesus Federico*
Software Engineer, Blindside Networks Inc.

(    +1 (613) 695-0264
*    jesus at blindsidenetworks.com
skype: jesus.federico
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