[Building Sakai] [gradebook2-dev] Gradebook use cases

Wed Jun 6 02:45:47 PDT 2012

HI Jon,

Just checked out the jira, being able to instance multiple gb on a site 
could be a solution but to me, what really seems interesting is the 
possibility to increase section awareness in the gb2 tool. I´m also 
aware that to implement that, maybe the tool logic would have to change 
a lot... maybe not worth it...

i.e., we control by permissions that TEACHER A (belongs to SECTION 1) 
only has SECTION 1 students available, TEACHER B (belongs to SECTION 2) 
only has SECTION 2 students available and TEACHER C (belongs to SECTION 
2 and 3) has SECTION 2 and 3 students. Thats fine right now!!, they are 
only able to grade their students. So each of them are only able to 
grade their own students.

  * The addition here would be to be able to have categories or items
    assigned to an specific section and control by permissions that
    users only see (students) or manage (teachers) their sections.
  * Another important improvement would be to be able to have a
    different final grades, "course grade", depending on your section.
    We implement official sections (provided by course management). So
    maybe on sakai.properties you could specify which section categories
    would have a "final section grade" on gb.
  * Maybe a user with an specific permission (not site.upd ;-) please)
    could decide if an specific gb would work for the entire site or
    would consider working independent with sections.

These are just some toughs that we have about how to improve the user 
experience. We are having troubles when different teachers want to work 
independent with their sections within a site. I know some other 
universities are experiencing same cases but I´m not sure about which 
would be the best solution for everyone. For us, it would be those 

About the hierarchical sites, we have implemented them for having 
programs (father site) and courses (child) so it would be too much to 
add another child site.
               - PROGRAMMING
               - DATA BASE
               - ALGEBRA...

Let us know if some improvents are made, we know that the gb2 team is 
working really hard on each release! thanks!

El 06/06/2012 1:59, Jon Gorrono escribió:
> Mariano,
> The ability to have more than one gradebook in a site has been a
> standing request ... see https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/GRBK-36
> .. plz add comments and vote.
> We appreciate the merit in the feature, but have not been able to
> justify the resources to work on it in light of the lack interest in
> the feature by those who influence the allocation of resources locally
> :)
> I wonder if you have tried hierachical sites? I ask because it is more
> likely that this would be closer to actually working now than with a
> single site.
> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 2:37 AM, JOSE MARIANO LUJAN GONZALEZ
> <jmariano at um.es>  wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> The end of the semester is getting closer and we are struggling finding
>> solutions to some use cases presented by our teachers using Gradebook (in
>> our case Gradebook 2). Any help or viable solutions would be much
>> appreciated!!!
>> NOTE: Have in mind that the Spanish Educational System allows three exam
>> calls (February, June, September) and all of them are managed in one site;
>> example site: MATHS 2011/12
>> NOTE 2: We have various official groups within each course so we will have
>> several sections inside site MATHS 2011/12, each section with different
>> instructors.
>> case 1: TEACHER A has already graded students in February using GB2 and now
>> in June wants to have a different grading structure using grades from
>> February and adding some new ones for the all students that didn't pass the
>> course in February. TEACHER A does not want to loose all grades from
>> February, would like to keep Final Grades from February so he doesnt like
>> the idea of updating old grades for those that didn't pass. In our old
>> system the were able to copy grading structures with their grades so they
>> could create a new structure for June and then reuse what they needed.
>> case 2: Ability to create a new final grade for each exam call (February,
>> June, September)
>> case 3: in MATHS 2011/12, TEACHER A belongs to section 1 and TEACHER B to
>> section 2. They want to have different grading structures and be able to
>> create a Final Grade. ¿consider having different gradebooks within a site?
>> case 4: TEACHER A has a grading structure with 4 categories and each
>> category with some items. He would like to be able to generate the category
>> final grade. Dont think is possible right now either on GB1 o 2.
>> We are aware that some of this would be solved having different sites for
>> each group (section) but we need to have them together. We follow that
>> structure for all courses.
>> thanks in advance,
>> mariano
>> --
>> ******************************************
>> José Mariano Luján González - Aula Virtual
>> Area de Tecnologías de la Información
>> y las Comunicaciones Aplicadas (ATICA)
>> UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA - http://www.um.es
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José Mariano Luján González - Aula Virtual
Area de Tecnologías de la Información
y las Comunicaciones Aplicadas (ATICA)
UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA - http://www.um.es

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