[Building Sakai] Assignment submission issue

Geng, Kelly gengx at muohio.edu
Fri Jan 27 12:07:58 PST 2012


We are running 2.7.x.  I was able to verify that the submitted text is not showing(blank) in both instructor and the student's view.

I was able to decode the submitted text successfully. The student already sent her saved copy to the instructor for grading but didn't try to submit it again.


From: Zhen Qian [mailto:zqian at umich.edu]
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 2:33 PM
To: Geng, Kelly
Cc: sakai-dev at collab.sakaiproject.org
Subject: Re: Assignment submission issue

Hi, Kelly:

What version of Sakai are you running?

I did see the student submission text included in the xml file. You can use Base64 decoder to view the original text, e.g. use this url: http://www.opinionatedgeek.com/dotnet/tools/base64decode/

Can you login as the instructor and verify the problem?


- Zhen
On Jan 27, 2012, at 12:10 PM, Geng, Kelly wrote:


We have a faculty who claims that she was reading a student's in-line submission when it changes to another student's(the student right next in the roster) submission somehow. And after she logged out and back in, the original student's submission disappeared. I looked into the assignment_submission table and found the submission as attached. It seems to me there WAS submitted-text recorded. Can you shed some light on this?



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