[Building Sakai] Assemblies from core-deploy not cleaning out components on deploy

Steve Swinsburg steve.swinsburg at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 03:47:04 PST 2012

Hi all,

Has anyone else noticed that lately, if you bump the version of an indie in master/pom.xml (say profile2 from 1.4.4 to 1.4.5), then rebuild the core-deploy project, that the applicable components directory is not cleaned out first? This means that inside the components dir you have both 1.4.4 and 1.4.5 impls, which breaks things.

The core deploy pom.xml *does* list the directories to clean first, and maven says it is doing it, but it's clearly not:

One thing I did notice is that Maven reports a line break in the paths from the second and subsequent directories to clean, which might be preventing it form working correctly:

[INFO] Deleting /ultraline/sakai/tomcat/components/accountvalidator-pack
[INFO] Deleting /ultraline/sakai/tomcat/
[INFO] Deleting /ultraline/sakai/tomcat/
[INFO] Deleting /ultraline/sakai/tomcat/

I don't see anything useful in the Maven debug output…


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