[Building Sakai] Hierachical navigation

Adam Marshall adam.marshall at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Tue Jan 3 04:02:23 PST 2012

As Chuck says we have our own hierarchy. You can peruse this by going to weblearn.ox.ac.uk - the links are underneath the Tools menu on the LHS. Many of our sites are public so you can go up and down the tree. We will happily help you use this our code which is stored locally.

The differences (I think) between our work and Chuck's work are that his hierarchy exists within a single site, so each site in the system can have its own hierarchy, where as ours is an artificial structure placed on top of the pool of sites. One site can appear in many places in the hierarchy and sites can also exist outside of the tree altogether.

There are additional features with our hierarchy - we have the idea of devolved administration: we have "admin sites" - these are a bit like cut-down versions of the Sakai administration site. If you are a participant within one of our admin sites then you have admin privileges over any site that is "managed by" the admin site. In this way we can give departments administration rights over all sites contained below their department within their bit of the tree. See for more info:



From: sakai-dev-bounces at collab.sakaiproject.org [mailto:sakai-dev-bounces at collab.sakaiproject.org] On Behalf Of csev
Sent: 01 January 2012 21:37
To: dev sakai
Subject: Re: [Building Sakai] Hierachical navigation


Take a look at this Indiana University Knowledge Base article:


If you want to handle this programmatically, there is a property called sakai:parent-id that can be put on sites to knit them together.

Oxford University has a set of local modifications that go beyond this feature in the out of the box Sakai.

Also, I would make sure that you are evaluating the trunk (Sakai 2.9) in addition to Sakai 2.8.   Sakai 2.9 includes LessonBuilder which is a structured content system similar to Moodle's activities.  LessonBuilder can be run in Sakai 2.8 - but it is pre-integrated into Sakai 2.9.


On Dec 31, 2011, at 1:56 PM, Lucas Amorim wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am new to Sakai development and the reason of my e-mail is that I have been required to program a hierarchical navigation feature in Sakai CLE, and, if possible, I would like some directions to achieve it. :)

This task is part of a course on Development and Modelling of Educational Systems to which I am attending. The tutors have asked me to implement those links which display a level by level path to the page where the user is (example: University of Somewhere -> Computer Science -> 2012.1 -> Operating Systems -> Unit 5), so he is able to navigate to anywhere in the path that lead him to the current page. The exact feature I must implement can be seen in this screen shot (attached) of a Moodle page.

 Can you please give me some directions on which packages and classes I should look at, where could this feature be introduced and such? If the feature, or part of it is already implemented, please tell me how to "activate it".

Finally, I just would like to say that this task is part of a set of features which were required by our university to adopt Sakai as its main VLE, and the feature we program here will be submitted to Sakai development team.

Thanks a lot!
Lucas Amorim

Instituto de Computação
Universidade Federal de Alagoas
Curriculum Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/2470781099632240

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