[Building Sakai] TurnItIn & Assignment2

Vicky Crowley vcrowley at unicon.net
Sun Feb 26 22:22:40 PST 2012

I am trying to integrate TurnItIn with their Sakai installation. I am able to get the TurnItIn options to display when I add a new assignment using the Assignment tool but will not show up when I add a new assignment using Assignment2. Here is what I have done: 

svn export https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/content-review/tags/contentreview-2.9.1 contentreview-2.9.1 
mvn build & deploy content-review 
svn export https://source.sakaiproject.org/contrib/turnitin/tags/content-review-0.7 turn-it-in 
mvn build & deploy turnitin 

Added the following properties to local.properties: 

turnitin.enable.assignment2=true # This assumes you are using Assignments 2 
turnitin.apiURL= https://www.turnitin.com/api.asp? 
turnitin.secretKey=***** # This is the secret you set online. 
turnitin.said=***** # These are the 5 digit account 
turnitin.aid=***** # ID you had enabled 

Started Sakai and added the 2 jobs via job scheduler. I am using Sakai 2.7.1 and Assignment2 version 1.0-rc-1. 

Seems like I am missing one key piece to get this to display in Assignment2 but I can't seem to figure out what I am missing. Any suggestions/idea/comments are greatly appreciated. 

Thank you, 

Vicky Crowley 
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